Thursday, November 17, 2011


Title          :Animal Problem
                   Good     Bad    Middle
Setting       :Chicky's house,Fashion shop,Christmas forest
Problems   :1.Deery stole Chicky's bag
                    2.Chicky couldn't find his bag
Solution     :1.Chicky decided to call his friend Hela
                    2.Hella found Chicky's bag and gave it back to Chicky
Plot            :One day Chicky went to the fashion shop to shop for a snowglobe. He parked his car in the parking lot.Then he went shopping.Deery was a bad guy but no one knew it. He went to the fashion shop to steal money. Deery found Chiky's car...he look left and right and there was no one. So he looked inside and the car key was still hanging so he could go inside and drove it back home.Later when Chicky was done shopping he went to get his car. But then he was shoked that his car he was shocked that he couldn't find his car was gone.Then he went home to call his friend Hela.Hela knew that it was a big problem for Chicky.So she went to help.Chicky was glad.So Hela went to help finding his car.Three days later... Hela found Chicky's car in front of .Deery's house she saw that the key was still hanging.So she dived it back home to Chiky's.Chicky was glad that his friend found his bag.Deery went to Chiky's house to say sorry. She promised not to ever be bad again.Chiky aske Deery again if he realyb promised.Deery said yes i promise. So the 3 bcame friends. The 3 friend went to the bird cage and saw 2 birds. They were full with joy in there hearts.                                      
                                                 The End

1 comment:

  1. It's only 13 sentences! Andwhy do you do this ..... all the time it's not right!
